Blue Pool

About Blue Pool

One of the great industries in Victorian Wokingham was the production of bricks. The most prolific was that of Thomas Lawrence’s New Yard which was based west of Molly Millars Lane. Thomas Lawrence also owned land known as the Blue Pool. This 60’ deep pool was used for the tipping of refuse spoil and waste material, for which many lorries drove down Blagrove Lane to fill the Blue Pool. 

In 1972 The Secretary of State for the Environment wanted to terminate the use of the Blue Pool, and on 4th October there was a local inquiry held at the Wokingham Rural District Council Offices. An inspector instructed by the Secretary of State had issued Enforcement Notices on behalf of the Berkshire County Council, for which an appeal was lodged by Thomas Lawrence & Sons.

The Blue Pool was subsequently filled in during the 1970s, the exact date unknown.

Citation: “Blue Pool” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 4, 2024

Item Details


Date: 1971

Source: Ruth Flint, daughter of T.Lawrence