Joy Burton

About Joy Burton

Joy Burton was born in 1923 in Henley to Thomas Alfred and Clara Burton, of Wokingham.

She lived at 86 Wescott Rd, with her parents, before being stationed to work on the Barrage Balloons in London on an RAF base near Blackheath (RAF Kidbrooke).
The site is now a school and a set of allotments.

Taken from a history of the site it was recorded that she was in the flight HQ hut at 8:10am on the 23rd June 1944, when it had a direct hit by a V1 bomb killing 9 out of the ten people inside. She was 21 at the time and was the only woman killed at that location.

She was Aircraftwoman 1st Class, 2025361, Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. She was buried in All Saints Churchyard and is remembered on both the All Saints Memorial and the Town Hall Memorial. It is believed she is the only woman listed on the memorial.

Her death was registered in Greenwich.

Her parents stayed in Wokingham for the rest of their lives and died in 1969 and 1976.

Citation: “Joy Burton” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 2, 2024

Item Details


Joy Burton's Personal Details

Birthdate: 1923

Birthplace: Wokingham

Death Date: 23rd June 1944