Christopher Townsend

About Christopher Townsend

Christopher Townsend received a Civic Award in 2013 for his commitment to St. Paul’s Church, Driver at the MacMillan Centre and Neighbourhood Watch.

His Nomination follows:-

Christopher has a good personality, kindness and courtesy. He is an excellent organiser, and has abounding energy and a willingness to help others that benefits St Paul’s Church and the local community, and through his voluntary work as a driver for local charities.

Christopher also contributes by running half-marathons, cycling for charity and collecting for charities including door-to-door. He also Serves on many committees, regularly volunteering within St Paul’s Parish – maintaining the fabric
of the church and the churchyard

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0568

Citation: “Christopher Townsend” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 4, 2024

Item Details


Christopher Townsend's Personal Details

Important Dates: Awarded 2013