Pam Jenkinson

About Pam Jenkinson

Pam Jenkinson was given a Civic Award in 1997 for her hard work with people with mental health issues..

There follows an extract from the Wokingham Times in 1997: –

“Pam Jenkinson, a volunteer worker, runs the Mind drop-in centre at station house in Wokingham. The centre has been running for about five years and looks after the needs of people with mental health problems. Pam, who lives in Arlington Close, Priestwood, Bracknell  was absolutely delighted to be rewarded for her efforts and for those of the Mind team.

She said “I am surprised because it is not everyone who recognises mental health. What it means is that people are being cared for in the community and that Wokingham is in advance of a lot of other places.”

In 2004 this charity disaffiliated from national Mind and is more recently known as Wokingham Mental Health Association.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0431

Citation: “Pam Jenkinson” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 6, 2024

Item Details


Source: Wokingham Times

Pam Jenkinson's Personal Details

Important Dates: Awarded 1997