Mabel Moss

About Mabel Moss

From the Wokingham Times article in 2000

Mabel Moss, a member of the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) was awarded a Civic Award for her tireless work at Wokingham Hospital. She said “I was surprised , it was a bit of a shock”. When the letter telling her she had won dropped through her letter box, she thought it was about her Council Tax., so she was very pleased.

Mrs. Moss joined the WRVS in 1984 and as well as working at the tea bar, of which she was deputy manager for a time, she also operated a trolley service round the hospital’s wards. She said: ” It was good when we had all the wards and maternity, it was pretty busy.  Everybody gets to know you and everybody knows them”.

Mrs Moss says that even though she is turning 80 this year, she has no plans to stop her WRVS work.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0422

Citation: “Mabel Moss” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed October 5, 2024

Item Details


Source: Wokingham Times circa 2000

Mabel Moss's Personal Details

Birthdate: 28 June 1920

Important Dates: Awarded 2000