The Overhangs

About The Overhangs

This run of buildings, while superficially appearing as a single construction, shows on closer inspection that they comprise two buildings.
These were built at different at different dates, the earliest estimated to be around the early 16th Century.

They display a jetty, which is the name used to describe the timber framing at the point where the upper floor overhangs the lower floor.

There are many other buildings that retain or have had a jetty, but not all so obvious, some have been disguised by shop fronts, while others have had their ground floor walls built out flush with the upper storey, effectively disguising their previous layout.

We are fortunate that these buildings survive, as there was at one time pressure to demolish them, Only the actions of a local businessman, who purchased them himself, secured their future.

The attached black and white photograph as taken in 1953 before their restoration.

Because of its contribution to Wokingham’s heritage, this building is part of the Wokingham Society’s Blue Plaque Trail. A leaflet giving details of all of the buildings on the Trail can be obtained from the Wokingham Town Hall Information Centre and Wokingham Library. An electronic version is available from The Trail is also available on a downloadable App called Wokingham Town History.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0315

Citation: “The Overhangs” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 4, 2024

Item Details


Date: 15th to 17th Century

Source: Wokingham Society’s Blue Plaque Trail WOKINGHAM A Pictorial History by J. and R. Lea