Wokingham Welsh Society

About Wokingham Welsh Society

The Wokingham Welsh Society was originally conceived when David Ireland, who later became mayor of Wokingham, Tom jones, Geoff Riggs and the Reverend Lloyd Davis (St Paul’s Church) met in 1975. The first St David Day’s Dinner was celebrated above Lee’s Bakery in 1976, Other founder members were John and Gwyneth Mason, Anne Gibson, Bram and Marian Williams and Maureen Coker.

The society grew to be a flourishing meeting point for Welsh “expatriates” and their families, until it was finally disbanded in 2007, as many of the original members eventually moved back to Wales. Some members such as Enfys Peace, Terry and Elin Owen then joined the Reading Welsh Society.

The chairperson’s role was filled by amongst others: John and Jean Jones, John Balmont, Jim Short, Trevor Evans, David Evans, Ed and Janet Parton and Chris Davies. Janet Parton also proved to be a most efficient secretary for a number of years.

The first president to be appointed was Jim Short. Both John and Jean Jones, who did such an enormous amount of work for the society, later took on this role.

Society activities included biannual concerts of invited Welsh male voice choirs, supported by the society’s very own ladies choir, Parti Merched Wokingham led by the inspired conducting of Jean Jones. A carnival float was entered in the early years. The varied programme included such events as trips to the National Garden Festival in Ebbw Vale, a visit to the Big Pit, a concert for a thousand voices in the Royal Albert Hall, an annual Gymanfa Ganu (Community singing). pantomimes, car rallies, picnics and children’s Christmas parties. The highlight of the year was the annual St. David’s Day Dinner/dance, held in various with a guest speaker from Wales to remind people of their roots. Profits from all activities went to Wokingham and Welsh charities.

For all those of Welsh origin who suddenly found themselves in Berkshire, the society provided an instant home and helped people to acquire an immediate and warm circle of friends.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0257

Citation: “Wokingham Welsh Society” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed July 4, 2024

Item Details


Date: 1975-2007

Source: Mrs Elin Owen
