Leonard Goddard Smalley

About Leonard Goddard Smalley

A native of Oadby, Leicestershire. Commenced his local government career in 1924 as Assistant Clerk of the Oadby District Council.

He moved to Northamptonshire in 1939 on being appointed Clerk and Chief Financial Officer of the Burton Latimer Urban District Council. This was just prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, which brought him in addition, the appointments of Food Executive Officer, Local Fuel Overseer and Controller for Air Raid Precautions.

In 1946, Mr. Smalley was appointed as the first full-time Town Clerk of the Borough of Wokingham. The Office was combined with that of Chief Financial Officer until 1951 when the pressure of duties necessitated the appointment of a full time Borough Treasurer. He retired from office on September 30th 1971, having completed twenty-five years of service to the Corporation.

A member of the Baptist Church, Milton Road, Mr. Smalley had held the officers of Trustee. Deacon, Organist and Choirmaster and for twelve years was Secretary of the Church.

He always had a keen interest in local affairs and history. This interest resulted in his being invited many times to speak both on local government and the history of the Town to various organisations, school groups and students.

In his private capacity he was a founder member of the Wokingham Madrigal Society.

Mr. Smalley’s service encompassed both the period of post war development and re-construction and he saw the population of the Borough grow from 8,221 in 1946 to 21,300 when he retired in 1971.

He was made an Honorary Freeman of Wokingham in 1972.

The 2nd associated photograph shows Leonard Smalley sat next to the Mayor Stanley Bowyer (with chain).

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0203

Citation: “Leonard Goddard Smalley” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed October 5, 2024

Item Details


Source: Honorary Freeman of Wokingham, by J. Bell

Leonard Goddard Smalley's Personal Details

Important Dates: 1946 Town Clerk