Debbie Slay

About Debbie Slay

Debbie Slay received a Civic Award in 2016 for their commitment to the Wokingham Lions Club. Her Nomination follows:-

Debbie is an active and dedicated member of the Lions Club contributing fully to all of its fund raising activities. Charities, similar community based organisations and individuals have directly benefited from the funds that Debbie has helped to raise within the Lions activities. These organisations benefit from donations from these funds enabling them to continue to provide their services in the current climate of the reduction of funding from local and national sources.

Donations from organisations such as the Lions are a vital source of income.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0561

Citation: “Debbie Slay” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed October 5, 2024

Item Details


Debbie Slay's Personal Details

Important Dates: Awarded 2016