Mary Anne Emma Martin nee Carne

About Mary Anne Emma Martin nee Carne

Mary Ann Emma Martin was the wife of Cllr. William Thomas Martin of Martin’s Pool, Wokingham. Their residence was Fernleigh, No. 39 the Terrace. Mary was Billy’s lifelong friend and companion who assist her husband as book-keeper and worked untiringly for charities. Noted for her generosity and for doing good by stealth she continuously took an interest in the welfare of the town. When times were hard she turned Fernleigh into a soup kitchen for poor children. It was a common sight to see children making their way home from The Terrace carrying basins and jugs of soup.
During the First World War the Martins opened their home to the army accommodating up to 65 officers and men. The grounds were said to resemble a military camp with its cook house, billy cans and miscellaneous equipment.

Reading Mercury Sat 14th May 1938

Widespread sympathy is felt for Alderman W.T. Martin in the death of his wife, Mrs. Mary Ann Emma Martin, which occurred on Tuesday at a Reading nursing home. She had been ailing for some time and passed away at the age of 66.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin were married on June 6th 1892, at the Baptist Chapel, Wokingham. Mr. Martin started his business at the age of 16, and his wife-to-be, while still at school, was his constant and ready helper. In his public career and activities she was his inspiration. In the four years of his Mayorality of Wokingham, 1907, 1912, 1913 and 1920, Mrs. Martin won golden opinions as social hostess. Quiet and unobtrusive, from her writing desk she was the working power behind the scenes in the 14 years’ efforts of the family on behalf of the Wokingham Clinic, during which time she arranged and brought to success a long series of efforts for that institution.
During the war Mrs. Martin’s care was for the children, for whom three times weekly she ran soup-kitchens. This and much kind thought was given to the soldiers billeted in the district, were at her own initiative.
In municipal matters, one of her treasured possessions was a spade, inscribed: “This spade was used by Mrs. W.T. Martin as Mayoress to cut the first sod in the Borough Housing Scheme, July 1920.” Another spade recorded that Mrs. Martin “planted a tree and gave a seat round it in the New Recreation Ground, Barkham Road.” The tree was given by a friend.
Very many patrons of the swimming pool will remember their talks with Mrs. Martin.
In addition to her husband, Mrs. Martin leaves her son, Mr. Cathrow Martin, and her daughter, Mrs. Edna Girdler, to mourn her loss.
The funeral will be at St. Paul’s, Wokingham, today (Saturday), at 2.30 p.m.

Wokingham Town Museum Unique Identifier: WTH0331

Citation: “Mary Anne Emma Martin nee Carne” – Wokingham’s Virtual Museum


Accessed October 5, 2024

Item Details


Source: Notes from Jim Bell

Mary Anne Emma Martin nee Carne's Personal Details

Death Date: 1938
